EDC Cost Effectiveness

handshakeEDC illuminates possibilities, and cultivates the awareness and tools senior executives need to make success a reality every day.

EDC exists because executives are now acting
on what they have known all along:
The quality of business relationships is central to success.

Consistent with new, effective trends, more and more partners are consulting EDC to assess compatibility, before even entering a partnership, and later, regularly consulting to ensure, for example, clear, effective communication at all levels. They understand the cost effectiveness of preventative care, and actively seek to avoid the build-up of fall-out from ineffective interpersonal exchanges that can undermine otherwise viable, satisfying, long-term partnerships and work relationships. People are understanding that business partnerships and collaborative work relationships are marriages of sorts, that often need as much care given the high financial and personal stakes.

Rather than investing in costly and expansive organizational assessments and remedies, Los Angeles corporate executives and business partners are now addressing organizational issues by first assessing and strengthening their primary business relationships. Such primary business relationships are the foundation on which executives sustain their long-term investments of time, career experience and money.